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Did a phlebotomist hit a major artery? 

On Behalf of | Jul 22, 2022 | Medical Malpractice

Many people donate blood as much as possible – it’s a great way to give back to people when you have nothing else to give. Other people may have a blood draw on doctor’s orders to examine blood count and test for diseases. Messing with needles isn’t for everyone, however.

While many people make fun of phobias (like koumpounophobia, the fear of buttons, or xanthophobia, the fear of the color yellow), the fear of needles, also called trypanophobia, might be a logical fear. One wrong move with a needle and you could experience permanent health issues

Here’s what can happen:

Hemorrhage or hematoma

Even though phlebotomists are trained for six months to a year, they may still make mistakes. One of the more common issues with blood draws may be hemorrhage or hematoma. You may notice a hemorrhage or hematoma if there is lasting pain and soreness because blood pooled outside the vein. 

Nerve damage

If a needle hits a nerve on injection, then there may be bruising, pain and even nerve damage. Nerve damage may cause numbness around the affected wound. While some nerve damage is temporary, other forms of damage cause continuous numbness and weak control over muscles. 

Punctured arteries

It’s a lot harder to hit a major artery, but not impossible. The walls around a major artery are much thicker than the walls around other blood veins. 

If a phlebotomist tries sticking a needle into a major artery and finds it harder to puncture, then this should be a sign that they are pulling blood from the wrong place – this, however, doesn’t stop everybody.

A punctured major artery can increase the risk of hemorrhages, hematomas, nerve damage, blood loss and infections.

You may be a victim of medical malpractice if you’re experiencing medical problems after having a blood draw. If you’re unsure how to proceed after your injuries, then you may need to seek legal help.

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